YSHA Private Home Assistance Program
Contact: Tammy Rangel | Email: t.rangel@yshousing.org
The YSHA Housing Assistance Program is designed to provide minimal (emergency) repairs that may cause and/or a health and safety issue. This program is restricted to low-income applicants that own and occupy a private home for at least one year. (Utility services/hookup or connection fees are excluded from this program.)
Listing of Required Documentation for all applicants:
1. Applicant cannot be delinquent and/or have a debt with YSHA. (To become eligible - pay debt off or establish a
payback agreement prior to being assisted.)
2. Show proof of ownership through BIA land lease (for a minimal of 10 yrs.), home deed, yearly taxes, heir-ship, and
YSHA homeowner’s certificate.
3. Enrollment Verification - Abstract or Tribal ID. Must be a member of the Yankton Sioux Tribe.
4. Income Verification - For all permanent adult (18+) family members listed on application and must meet NAHASDA
income guidelines for the services you are applying for.
A. Earned Income - Copy of current paycheck stub.
B. Unearned Income - Copy of award letters, benefit statements - TANF, GA, SSI, and Unemployment.
5. Have an annual income as defined in the YSHA Admissions & Policy manual at or below 80% of median income.
Each participant will have an opportunity to apply every three years due to the limited funding for this program.
Authorization for the Release of Information Privacy Act Notice
Home Owners Application (Print Version)